
Monday, August 31, 2009

And the nominees are…

Okay. I did it.

I finally went ahead and registered for the convention.

However, unless something changes, I’m only going to be attending online. (Unfortunately, this means that I won’t be able to meet any of my blogging friends – which is the main reason I wanted to go in person. But at this point, it doesn’t look like it’s a realistic option for me.)

Anyway, now that I’m registered, I get to nominate a blogger or two for the NBN flight.

Here, then, are my picks:

1) Baila - Why? Because I figured, hey, why not give proteksiah to a fellow American olah. (No offense intended to those who are neither American nor olim…)

2) Leora and Raizy – For two reasons:

  1. Altruistic For-the-Good-of-the-Entire-Blogosphere Reason: Because Leora is sure to take lovely pictures, and Raizy is sure to have an amusing take on everything.
  2. Selfish Reason: Because I would love to meet both of them in person.

So there you have it.

Good luck to all the contenders, and see you (online anyway) at the convention…


  1. I am supposed to feel flattered, but instead I just feel like hiding under the table.

    Yes, Baila would be a great choice! Pick Baila. ;-) Raizy would also be good...but she would have to deal with anonymity issues.

  2. Wow, that's so nice, thank you. I would love to meet you in person too. But it's not possible for me to fly to Israel, I can't leave my kids or my job, even for a short time. And besides, as a former oleh who moved back to America after only three years, I'm hardly the spokesperson that Nefesh B'Nefesh is looking for. I still think that Baila is our best candidate.
    Leora- what anonymity issues? My name is SuperRaizy, my photo is right there on my blog. I'm not at all anonymous ( ;

  3. Why, thank you Mrs. S. I'm very flattered (as we discussed, you will not be mentioning that small bribe, right?), especially in such great company.

    But I have to say I'm disappointed you're not going to show up in person. Oh, well, maybe next year...

  4. Very good choices, all three of them.

  5. Leora and Raizy - So, Baila it is. And we'll have to figure out another way to meet...

    Baila - {quickly stuffs envelope into pocket and tries to assume an innocent expression} I have no IDEA what you're talking about...

    Ilana-Davita - If you lived in the US or Israel, I would definitely have nominated you as well!

    Jack - I think so too.


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