Reliable and dependable as always, our intrepid photojournalists managed to shoot a few pictures of the newly painted downstairs bathroom after all.
And so, without further ado, here are three bathroom views:
View #1:
View #2:
And View #3:
At this point, we could wax philosophical and use the blog as a metaphor for life. We could point out that on some days you get the color, the excitement, and, yes, the sheer and utter drama of roof views, but on other days, all you see are pictures of bare white walls.
However, we won't.
Instead, we'll leave you with the following:
[Cue: TV announcer voice]
Will a solution be found for the stair problem? Will the hole ever become an attic stairwell again? Will we be able to start using the attic for storage any time soon - or will the attic remain a vast and empty void above our heads?
Tune in next week, when we (hopefully) discover the answers to these and other intriguing questions.
Shabbat Shalom to all.