
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Frozen Friday: Sneak Peak Edition

According to the forecasts, Israel is about to experience what’s being billed as the Storm of 5772, which is supposed to include freezing cold temperatures, heavy rain, and – most significantly – even snow in many parts of the country.

Apparently, the main event will happen on Shabbat, but by last night and throughout the day today, we’ve had a few glimpses at what we can expect over the weekend.

Think of it as a frozen coming attraction: IMG_6551 IMG_6552 IMG_6553

Yes, that’s hail (i.e. barad for the Hebraically-oriented amongst you).

May we all enjoy a wonderfully wet – and hopefully white – weekend!

!שבת שלום ומבורך


  1. We went through a freezing period and I am glad it is over! Good luck with yours.

  2. AMEN! (Might as well enjoy it. G-d will do what He wants. It's all good.)

  3. I'm a little nervous that we're going to be disappointed, so I'm trying hard not to get too excited... but I sure wouldn't mind staying in bed with hot chocolate on Sunday morning - ah :)

  4. Ilana-Davita - Thanks. In the end, the hype far outweighed the actual storm.

    Ruti Mizrachi - Well said!

    Toby - staying in bed with hot chocolate on Sunday morning
    That sounds amazing! Ahhh, indeed... :-)


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