
Sunday, December 6, 2009

A new computer and HH

We recently acquired a new computer here in TRLEOOB*:

IMG_0093 IMG_0092 Note the “Go Fish”-themed mouse.

As you can undoubtedly see on the monitor, someone’s in the middle of a [fictional] game called “Doorknob”. The  software developer – who, coincidentally, is also the hardware designer and engineer - tells me that “Doorknob” has ten levels and is geared for players between the ages of five and thirteen:

“[A certain 14-year-old of our acquaintance] could also play, but it probably will be a little bit too easy...”

Apparently, this computer doesn’t have Internet access, but if yours does, you can check out the latest edition of Haveil Havalim both here and here.

Special thanks to Batya for including Malke’s guest post about finding Heblish on Rakevet Yisrael.


*TRLEOOB=the real life equivalent of our blog


  1. thanks for the mention, and that's a cute computer!

  2. Thanks, Batya. The nice thing about the "computer" is that it even works during a hafsakat chashmal...

  3. Lovely yellow chair. We have a similar internet-less set up in my daughter's room. But she doesn't have a go fish mouse.

  4. Wow - that looks like a setup we had not long ago! We really should try to merge our development teams - together, they could go far :)

  5. Leora - I should note that the chair is made in Israel. We actually have a whole pile - each one in a different color. The best part about them is that they're light and stackable.

    Toby - Great idea! We just have to figure out a way for the two teams to communicate. After all, without Internet access, Skype, Google Wave, etc. probably won't be too effective. I guess there's always carrier pigeon...


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