“Please send me your ironing. I’m on vacation and have lots of experience. Great prices!” a young woman posted on our local email list.
Now, a person could be forgiven for assuming that this ad was an answer to my prayers.
After all, I’ve been so busy BA”H with work and other real life endeavors that I’ve shamelessly neglected my poor blog.
But, of course, you, my dear readers, know better. </desperate attempt at flattery in hope that the readers will forget that it’s been a whole week since the last real post>
You know that there’s no way I’m going to hire someone to do the Shiputzim family’s ironing, because you remember the following story:
Several years ago, I spent two months on maternal bed rest.
One day, our neighbor – I’ll call her “C.” because that’s not her name -called me up with a very generous offer.
“It just occurred to me that if you’re on bed rest, you can’t iron, and I’d be more than happy to do it for you,” she said.
Although I was extremely touched by her thoughtfulness and consideration, I wasn’t sure how to respond.
“Well, um, thank you. I mean, I really, really appreciate your kind offer. It’s so nice of you! It’s just that, um, I don’t iron that much…” I finished lamely.
I could hear her eyebrows being raised.
“You don’t iron?!” she said in disbelief.
I could tell that this wasn’t going to end well.
“Once in a while, I do. But I find that most things don’t need ironing…” I tried to defend myself.
“But what about your husband’s shirts? Surely you iron those, no?” she was practically pleading with me now.
“Well, uh, you see, his shirts go in the dryer, and if you take them out right away and hang them up, they usually don’t need ironing……” I sensed that she wasn’t going to buy it.
She didn’t.
“You don’t iron your husband’s shirts?!” This was just too much for her.
The conversation ended shortly thereafter, and we’ve never discussed this topic since.
But I’m convinced that - to this day - C. still feels sorry for YZG, because his wife obviously neglects him almost as much as she neglects her blog…

!שבת שלום ומבורך